Diffusion scientifique
Forum Numerica : António RAVARA
António RAVARA est professeur associé au département d'informatique de la NOVA School of Science an…
Exposé de Nicolas Nisse
Nicolas Nisse , chercheur dans l'équipe COATI (pôle COMRED), donnera un séminaire intitulé « On som…
Forum Numerica - Michaël Krajecki
Le Pr. Michael Krajecki de l'Agence Ministérielle pour l'Intelligence Artificielle de Défense (AMIA…
Exposé de Thi Ha Duong Phan
Thi Ha Duong Phan de l'Institut de Mathematiques de l'Academie des Sciences et Technologies du Viet…
Exposé de Anatoly Khina
Anatoly Khina , Assistant Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering Tel Aviv University, wi…
Learning and Optimization in Côte d'Azur 2024
The Learning and Optimization in Côte d'Azur 2024 workshop and minicourse, scheduled to take place…
Exposé de Frederik Mallmann-Treen
Frederik Mallmann-Treen , Senior lecturer in the department of informatics, King's College London,…
Exposé de Paolo Buono from University of Bari, Italy
The lab i3S currently welcome the researcher Paolo Buono from University of Bari , Italy. You are k…
Exposé de Masashi Sugiyama
Masashi Sugiyama , Professor at the University of Tokyo and Director of the RIKEN Center for Advanc…
Exposé de Salim El Rouayheb
On Tuesday, July 2nd at 2:00 pm, Prof. Salim El Rouayheb , associate professor at Rutgers Universit…
Forum Numerica - Marc Antonini
Marc Antonini, received the CNRS Innovation Medal in 2023. He is also the co-founder and Chief Scie…
Exposé de Ulugbek Kamilov
Ulugbek Kamilov , Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, USA, will give a semin…