Exposé de Paolo Buono from University of Bari, Italy

jeudi 5 septembre 2024
The lab i3S currently welcome the researcher Paolo Buono from University of Bari, Italy.
You are kindly invited to attend this talk « Visual scalability of interactive visualizations of temporal resource allocation » on Thursday, September 5th 2024, 9:30 a.m. at room 007, building Algorithms, i3S.
Please find below a summary of the talk and his short bio.
Title : Visual scalability of interactive visualizations of temporal resource allocation
Abstract : Temporal resource allocation is typically a problem of operational research (OR). Even if an OR system is capable of providing the perfect solution for resource allocation, when many competing features occur it is very difficult to create a mental model of the data and understand the system result. The factors influencing the domain depend on the available resources, the time they are allocated and the goals. Visualizations may help understanding the available data, existing constraints and creating the right query. This seminar will introduce various time dependent visualizations that also address time and space, then will dive into the resource allocation over time proposing considerations that can be useful to create a system that manage resources and visualize them to provide users with an understanding of data. A focus will be given to dynamic hypergraph visualization that can make visible relations that are included in knowledge graphs, with a specific focus on tools like Muvin, PAOHVis, Hyper-Matrix, Vistorian. Some consideration related to AI solutions focused on the medical domain will be included.
Short bio : Paolo Buono is an Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bari. He is a founding member of the IVU (Interaction, Visualization, Usability & UX) Lab of the University of Bari, where he coordinates research on Information Visualization and Visual Analytics. His research interests focus on HCI, HCAI, Visual Analytics, Multimodal and Multimedia interaction.
He has been visiting scientist at several foreign institutions, such as HCIL, University of Maryland (USA), Fraunhofer IPSI (Darmstadt, Germany), St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria), and is currently external collaborator of AVIZ team at INRIA-Saclay, Paris (France). He co-authored 150+ papers published in journals, international conferences and collections. He is the Managing Editor of the special issue on Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence on One Health, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal and is co-editing a special issue on gaming applications for cultural heritage, IEEE Transactions on Games. He has been involved in the scientific organization of several international conferences with different roles, e.g INTERACT, ISMAR, AVI, IS-EUD, AVI. He is member of ACM, IEEE, ACM SIGCHI and SIGCHI Italy, Eurographics and Eurographics Italy. Further information: https://ivu.di.uniba.it/people/buono https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=vvyIEqwAAAAJ&hl=en